The Physics of Sorrow

The Physics of Sorrow


  • author: Georgi Gospodinov
  • full title: The Physics of Sorrow
  • narrator: Toby Stephens
  • genre: literary fiction
  • topics: #mythology, #Bulgaria, #familystory
  • publisher: Dreamscape Media
  • publish date: May 07 2024
  • timing: 10:29:00

My Rating of the Audiobook:

  • content: 💙💙💙💙
  • narration: 💙💙💙💙💙

My Thoughts:

The Physics of Sorrow is a fragmented, reflective novel blending myth, history, and personal anecdotes. Narrator Georgi tells his life story. I really enjoyed the start of the novel about the Minotaur. Later on, we learn about family history, like his boyhood years in communist Bulgaria, the abandonment of his relatives, and some other family secrets.

This was my second novel by Georgi Gospodinov. My first was Time Shelter. Again, I really enjoyed the start and hoped for a different novel. But I'm used to the author's style, so now I can appreciate his works more.

I also recommend the audio format. It's much easier to get through.

About the Author:

Georgi Gospodinov is a writer, poet and playwright based in Sofia, Bulgaria. He studied Bulgarian Philology at Sofia University. Later he defended a PhD on New Bulgarian literature with the Bulgaria Academy of Science's Institute for Literature. He is one of the most translated Bulgarian authors after 1989. He published the first Bulgarian graphic novel The Eternal Fly