


  • author: Angus Fletcher
  • full title: Wonderworks: The 25 Most Powerful Inventions in the History of Literature
  • narrator: Jacques Roy
  • genre: nonfiction, reference, psychology
  • topics: #literature #books
  • publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio
  • publish date: 09.03.2021
  • timing: 15:11:00

My Rating of the Audiobook:

  • content: 💙💙💙💙💙
  • narration: 💙💙💙💙💙

Excerpt from the Book:

The stretch is the taking of a regular pattern of plot or character or storyworld or narrative style or any other core component of the story─and extending the pattern further. So, taking a great battle─and making it greater. Taking a bold girl─and making her bolder. Taking a blue lake─and making it bluer. Taking a star─and making it everywhere.

The stretch is the invention at the root of all literary wonder: the marvel that comes from stretching regular objects into metaphors, the dazzle that comes from stretching regular rhythms of speech into poetic meters, and the awe that comes from stretching regular humans into heroes.


The stretch is a simple device, but its effects on our brain can be profound. It's been linked in modern psychology labs to a shift of neural attention that flings our focus outward, decreasing activity in our parietal lobe-a brain region associated with mental representations of our self. The result is that we quite literally feel the borders of our self dissolving, even to the point of "self-annihilation."

My Thoughts:

Wonderworks is a thorough study of world literature, from mythology, Homer, and Sappho to contemporary literature. Fletcher introduces us to individual developments in literature as inventions. He examines each one and its psychological effects on people.

This book is an excellent choice for all who love literature and like to dissect classics and contemporary literary works.

An audiobook, in this case, is a very good decision because it is easier to get through this book due to its compact content. It’s not the most lightweight read, but it is simply superb. You might like to reread some passages and quotations from works, so I recommend that you also have ready a physical copy or ebook format.

About the Author:

Angus Fletcher is a professor of story science at Ohio State's Project Narrative, the world's leading academic think-tank for the study of stories. He has dual degrees in neuroscience and literature, received his PhD from Yale, taught Shakespeare at Stanford, and has published two books and dozens of peer-reviewed academic articles on the scientific workings of novels, poetry, film and theatre. His research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the Mellon Foundation and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. He has done story-consulting for projects for Sony, Disney, the BBC, Amazon, PBS and Universal, and is the author/presenter of the Audible/Great Courses Guide to Screenwriting.