I am not a Wolf

I am not a Wolf

Details audiobook:

  • author: Dan Sheehan
  • full title: I am not a Wolf
  • narrator: Jay Aaseng
  • genre: entertainment, humour
  • topics: #chooseyourownadventure #wolf #interactive
  • publisher: Andrews McMeel Audio
  • publish date: 04.05.2021
  • timing: 04:28:13

 Details book:

  • publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
  • publish date: 04.05.2021
  • pages: 216

My Rating of the Audiobook:

  • content: 💙💙💙💙
  • narration: 💙💙💙💙💙


audiobook I am not a Wolf


Excerpt from the Book:

Despite your best efforts, you find yourself in the office parking garage with Gary and his two sales department subordinates, Brett and Brent. These two men are so alike in their incredible subservience to Gary that you genuinely thought that they were the same person until just now when you saw them together. While getting lunch with someone who is actively suspicious of your entire identity and his two friends who you thought were just one friend doesn’t seem like an ideal situation, spending obligatory time with people you find repugnant is one of the pillars of the corporate lifestyle, so you’re determined to make the best of it. Gary’s not particularly good company, but his tireless adherence to a very traditional brand of masculinity means that his favorite restaurants are almost entirely meat-centric, which works out great for you. Human men love to discuss meat. They will talk about its preparation, how good it feels to eat too much of it, or how dumb their doctors and spouses are for begging them to eat less of it. If human masculinity boiled down to meat enthusiasm, you’d have it all figured out by now, but unfortunately, it involves a myriad of other, less obvious, conversational minefields.

My Thoughts:

I Am not a Wolf is a choose-your-own-adventure audiobook. I was searching for this type of book lately, but it is not easy to find one.

The book format includes a few funny illustrations. You flip the pages back and forth based on your decisions. In the audiobook, you get instructions to move through different chapters. My opinion is that this book is equally good in both formats, and you can choose whichever you like more. Or maybe you can even try to listen to the audiobook and follow the story in the book. That is what I did.

I enjoyed the story and narration a lot. And I would recommend it to those who like choose-your-own-adventure books, or those who appreciate reading something different for entertainment.

About the Author:

Dan Sheehan is a writer from Chicago now living in Los Angeles. He is the creator of the wildly popular @SickOfWolves Twitter account and his writing has been featured in Playboy, McSweeney’s, The Onion, ClickHole, and more. Dan is also cocreator of the storytelling show and podcast “We Still Like You.”